Tuesday 9 December 2014

Job opportunities in intelligence research


I don’t know how many jobs are ever offered directly to students who want to do research on intelligence, but currently they must be few and far between. However, here are some opportunities for students who already have a Master’s degree.

The Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology in Edinburgh is offering 3-year fully-funded PhD studentships commencing September 2015.
The studentships are in cognitive ageing/cognitive epidemiology or experimental and human neuroscience and the ageing brain. A number of projects spanning the Centre's 6 research groups are available:
- Cognitive Epidemiology
- Human cognitive ageing: Individual differences
- Human cognitive ageing: Human cognitive neuropsychology
- Mechanisms of cognitive ageing
- Genetics, genomics and epigenetics: Experimental, pathway and statistical analysis in brain ageing
- Human and animal brain imaging

Further information and an application form is available on the CCACE website: www.ccace.ed.ac.uk.
The deadline is Friday 30th January 2015; interviews will be held in March 2015. Candidates must already hold a Master's degree in a relevant field.

If your own department is looking for intelligence researchers, please send me the details so I can circulate them as well.

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