Thursday 5 December 2013

PISA scores and missing students


While I was working very slowly through some of the technical appendices to find how PISA estimates “educational equity” (which turns out to be mean that there is a lack of educational equity anywhere that there is a strong impact of SES on educational performance) Steve Sailer had moved fast into Annex 2a, from which he was able to estimate the representativeness of the samples tested. It looks as if representativeness was often pretty low, which gives some latitude if you decide to get your best students into the exam room, and let the weaker ones be classified as “missing” for the exam day.


This looks like being a very important finding. I had spoken vaguely about the possibility of nations “gaming” the test by teaching to the test items, but keeping a good proportion of the weaker students away is a much simpler strategy.


  1. hey nice post mehn. I love your style of blogging here. The way you writes reminds me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog titled Subconscious Attitude That Pushes People Away From You .
    keep up the good work.

